On Friday, September 16th, 2022 the Royal Observatory Greenwich announced their astrophotography winners. The mosaic image to the right is the Galaxy category winner, taken with a Dream Astrograph.


The main reason this image won the award was because the telescope captured the faint remnants of a previous galactic collision that Sombrero had in its past.

9.58 hours; 275min L, 100min each RGB.
"Hello Shane, I can't think of anyone who has delved as deeply into the mechanics of telescopes as you."
- Dream customer

"I went to bed at about 10PM and I let it run all night without focusing. I blinked through the images and focus did not change. Also, I did all of my other images by letting it run through the night without focusing."
- Dream Astrograph owner


Sombrero galaxy taken with a 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph by Utkarsh Mishra, Michael Petrasko & Muir Evenden.

16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph

Faster f-ratio Dream Hypergraphs are listed near the bottom half of page.

The only athermal instruments in the world that use such a high percentage of carbon fiber (95% of the weight of the telescope structures without optics) and mates those low-mass, high stiffness athermal structures with highly engineered, lightweight zeroDELTA mirrors. The entire system is optimized from the ground up for cutting edge installed performance, eliminating countless areas of performance loss. These are truly modern instruments with unrivaled consistent, long-term installed performance and the lowest possible maintenance.

The latest CMOS detectors have much smaller pixels (3.76µm versus the typical 9µm pixels of the previous generation of detectors). Dream and our existing customers don't need to upgrade anything. Our optical instruments have always achieved higher performance and we've always designed closer to the diffraction limit. In 2020 alone we designed more than a half a dozen optical systems ranging from 16" to 25" apertures, with f-ratios from f2.95 to as fast as f1.35 and for sensors from as small as 24mm x 36mm to as large as 95mm x 95mm.

Roughly 90% of what Dream designs & produces is custom. Contact us to determine whether your project can use an existing design, a slightly modified existing design or requires something completely custom. We've been designing & producing fast optical systems since 2003. Our lead optical engineer has four decades of experience with fast systems.

IMX461 CMOS: 3.76µm pixels, 11656 x 8742, 55mm image circle.
Field Of View: 73.9' x 98.6' (2.0 deg²)
Arc-seconds/pixel: 0.51


OTA diameter - OD


 focal length

CFSC™ hybrid tube: 20.0"


1525mm - f3.75

lightweight secondary mirror 

weight - pounds

single unit pricing


less than 65

contact Dream

100% illumination of 55mm image circle - will work with IMX455 & IMX461 detectors

this weight includes focus, 4" coma corrector and FAST.

clamshell rings are not required for mounting, only a dovetail plate


Click above for additional photos and information.

Click on the photo to the left to see why this telescope does not need clamshell/mounting rings. A direct connection to the mount is superior because there is less chance for flexure, plus it gets the CoG of the telescope closer to the mount; shorter lever arm means less bending.

Click here to see images taken with a 16" Dream Astrograph.

Click here to see images taken with a 16" Dream Astrograph while still here at Dream.

"Within a temperature range of 10°C we see no measurable change in focus. Also, there was no change in focus as a function of telescope position."
- Michael Schwartz, Tenagra Observatories, 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph owner. 


M81/M82 image below shows the efficiency and quality of this telescope. Image was taken in less than one full night, with a front-illuminated CCD detector.

16803 CCD detector: 9µm pixels, 4096 x 4096, 52mm image circle.
Field Of View: 83.0' x 83.0' (1.9 deg²)
Arc-seconds/pixel: 1.22

One of Dream's 16" f3.75 instruments (using old 16801 detector) was one of a seven group previous NASA NEO search & recovery project. At least one other group member was using a 1m telescope, showing the extreme power, throughput & reliability of Dream's philosophy of fully dealing with the traditional issues of low stiffness & mirror seeing.


Dream's instruments are work horses that operate at the highest level; today, tomorrow and ten years from now.

Click either photo (left or right) to watch a video about the interferometry technology developed for JWST and funded by NASA. Dream uses this technology to finish its world-class lightweight mirrors in house.

Click here to see images taken with a 16" Dream Astrograph during test out at Dream around 2010, then over 10 years later.

 16" f2.4 Dream Hypergraph

OTA diameter - OD


focal length



975mm - f2.4
space domain awareness satellite debris tracking

406.4mm CA
space domain awareness space situational awareness NASA NEO search & recovery


weight - pounds

single unit pricing



contact Dream

IMX411 151Mp CMOS detector: 3.76µm pixels, 14192 x 10640, 66.7mm image circle.
Field Of View: 140.9' x 188.1' (7.36 deg²)
Arc-seconds/pixel: 0.79
These dedicated optical systems are optimized for 100% illumination of the given detector. The Dream Hypergraphs come with 90mm of back focus. 

16" f2.4 Dream Hypergraph

OTA diameter - OD


focal length



960mm - f2.4
space domain awareness satellite debris tracking

400mm CA
space domain awareness space situational awareness NASA NEO search & recovery


weight - pounds

single unit pricing



contact Dream

IMX461 101Mp CMOS detector: 3.76µm pixels, 11656 x 8742, 55mm image circle.
Field Of View: 117.6' x 156.6' (5.1 deg²)
Arc-seconds/pixel: 0.79

Contact Dream about your project

Dream Astrographs & Hypergraphs




R-C Cassegrains

pricing, availability and specifications subject to change without notice

Copyright © 2003-2025 Dream All Rights Reserved.







 space domain awareness (SDA), space Situational Awareness (SSA), Ball Aerospace, Lockheed martin, Boeing space, Airbus defence & space, planewave instruments, NASA JPL, NASA goddard, lightweight telescope, lightweight precision optics, lightweight precision mirrors